Olha Zadorozhna

Contact information:

Email: ozadorozhna(at)kozminski.edu.pl

GoogleScholar: @OlhaZadorozhna 

Twitter: @OlhaZadorozhna 

LinkedIn: @OlhaZadorozhna 

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Kozminski University. I am also a researcher at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Poland. I have a Ph.D. from Bocconi University and an MA from Kyiv School of Economics and University of Huston.

My main areas of research expertise are governance, institutions, and resilience. Currently, I am working on several projects investigating sanctions, economic and social resilience to crises (e.g. the Russian war on Ukraine), and impact of institutional settings on firms. Previously, I have been studying the resilience of financial markets as well as their reaction to armed conflicts and terrorism. I have been also studying the governance of the land market in Ukraine publishing on topics connected to clientelism and security of property rights for land. 

I am a member of American Economic Association, European Economic Association, Academy of International Business, and University Association for Contemporary European Studies. I serve as a contributing editor of Eastern European Economics and Frontiers in Political Science.

Also, I am a founder and a host of Policy Implications Podcast

Finally, I'm also a co-founder of the "New Dawn" initiative aimed at advocating EU membership for Ukraine and searching for best practices for the future reconstruction of the country.