
Policy Implications Podcast

Policy Implications Podcast is a show where we discuss the most recent research in economics and finance. During each episode, we talk about the main ideas of the research and what we can learn from it paying special attention to how its results can be used by the policymakers.

Listen on: Spotify, ApplePodcasts, GooglePodcasts, Anchor or YouTube.

Episode 22. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr. Sirus Dehdari from Stockholm University we discuss the how support for far-right parties is related to economic distress. Also, we talk about ways to prevent such parties from gaining popularity at times of economic crisis.

Guest: dr. Sirus Dehdari - Stockholm University.

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00104140211024301

Episode 21. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr. Kinga Tchórzewska from Kozminski University we discuss the effect of tax incentives on firms’ employment and green investments. Also, we talk about the most effective ways to induce cleaner production and reduce pollution.

Guest: dr. Kinga Tchórzewska - Kozminski University

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/kingatch/research_1

Episode 20. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with prof. Katarina Pettersson from University of Helsinki we discuss the effect of hate speech against refugees but also minority groups on the general public perception of them. Also, we talk about the way centrists’ views often contribute to “normalization” of far-right political discourse. We also discuss the ways to decrease polarization and make sure our societies are more tolerant toward immigrants and minority groups.

Guest: prof. Katarina Pettersson - University of Helsinki

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429274558-18/elite-political-discourse-refugees-asylum-seekers-katarina-pettersson-martha-augoustinos

Episode 19. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with Fanny Landaud from Norwegian School of Economics we discuss the effect of exam luck on students career and even future salaries. Also, we talk about the ways to make educational systems more reflective of students’ abilities and less dependent on pure luck.

Guest: Fanny Landaud - Norwegian School of Economics

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l4or7lYzpnCMh7ISKDjVLi7uuSZuugyw/view

Episode 18. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with prof. Gema Zamarro from University of Arkansas we discuss the gender gap in childcare responsibilities and its effect on parent’s employment status during the pandemics. Also, we talk about the ways to promote more equal childcare arrangements within the family and how firms can support their female employees with kids.

Guest: prof. Gema Zamarro - University of Arkansas

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://conference.nber.org/conf_pape...

Episode 17. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with Michela Carlana from Harvard University we discuss the gender gap in educational choices of girls and boys. Also, we talk about the ways to reduce this gap and promote gender balance in the labour market.

Guest: dr. Michela Carlana - Harvard Kennedy School.

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://michelacarlana.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Carlana_Corno_2021.pdf

Episode 16. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with Peter Andre from University of Bonn we discuss how societies reward people for their efforts and why this mechanism may be flawed by not taking into account circumstances that those people have no control of (like gender and race, for example). Also, we talk about fairness and how we can improve policies so that they do not legitimize inequality.

Guest: Peter Andre - University of Bonn.

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tcq5-LwcWoaGXT2efQruzaEGywoK-Kfb/view

Episode 15. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with prof. Tatyana Deryugina from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign we discuss air pollution and population vulnerability, and how policy makers can improve their air pollution reduction efforts. Also, we talk about harmful effects of air pollution and why it is important to reduce it.

Guest: prof. Tatyana Deryugina - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://secureservercdn.net/

End of Season 1. It's the end of Season 1 of the Policy Implications Podcast! Stay tuned for Season 2 that will be back with you in September 2021 with even more interesting topics and exciting guests. In the meantime, please enjoy the already recorded episodes that you may find here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqeLBuMtUtcSbfB3cBtmj-jOx18nrBWqB

Episode 13. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr Manasa Gopal from Georgia Tech we discuss the role of finance companies and FinTechs in the recovery from the 2008 financial crisis with a special focus on small and medium sized enterprises. Also, we talk about the crisis’ consequences with regards to SMEs business activity in the US and how policy-makers can use FinTechs and finance companies to combat inequalities in access to credits in poorer and less accessible areas.

Guest: dr Manasa Gopal - Georgia Institute of Technology

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3600068

Episode 12. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr Anna Górska from Kozminski University we discuss how social capital can help women achieve top management positions and what is the situation like with regards to the gender balance in Polish corporations. Also, we talk about the determinants of success for women and what tools help them enhance their career growth.

Guest: dr Anna Górska - Kozminski University

Episode 11. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr Cesi Cruz from UCLA we discuss the gender gap in political influence arguing that even though a woman may be elected to the office, it does not mean that she has comparable influence to a man in a similar position. Also, we talk about the determinants of political influence for women and men and the way policy makers may use incentives to motivate women take part in political life of their comunities.

Guest: dr Cesi Cruz - UCLA

More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://econ2017.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2019/11/cruz_tolentino_gender_influence.pdf

Episode 10. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with Aakaash Rao we discuss how decades-long exposure to individuals of a given foreign descent shapes natives' attitudes and behavior toward that group. We also try to understand how diversity can reduce the anti-minority prejudice and motivate altruism.

Guest: Aakaash Rao - Harvard University

More details on the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/33vat2m25zqc9g9/immigrant-next-door.pdf?dl=0

Episode 9. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr Raluca Pahontu, we discuss why wealthy voters tend to support Brexit. We also try to understand how wealth may affect political decision-making and how policy-makers can support voters who have voted to remain in the EU but are vulnerable economically.

Guest: dr Raluca Pahontu - London School of Economics and Political Science

More details on the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3764889

Episode 8. In this episode of the Policy Implication Podcast together with prof. Paweł Gajewski we discuss when we can expect the Central and Eastern European regions to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. Also, we discuss the most effective policies for stimulating regions to recover and make them more resilient to future crises.

Guest: prof. Paweł Gajewski - Lodz University

More details on the paper discussed in this episode can be found here:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1057521921000028

Episode 7. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr Abhilasha Sahay from the World Bank Group we discuss whether increased awareness of violence against women can increase the reporting of these crimes. Also, we try to understand why women tend to not report violence against them and how this reporting can be stimulated.

Guest: dr Abhilasha Sahay - The World Bank

More details on the paper discussed in this episode can be found here: https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/423501615214636393/the-silenced-women-can-public-activism-stimulate-reporting-of-violence-against-women

Episode 6. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast we discuss how oral traditions (such as stories, beliefs and customs) can be a powerful measure of contemporary attitudes towards trust, risk-taking and gender norms. Also, we discuss if we should pay special attention to myths and stories that we tell our children and whether folklore affects the way their economic norms are formed.

Guest: dr Melanie Meng Xue - New York University (Abu Dhabi)

More details on the research discussed in this episode can be found here: https://www.nber.org/papers/w25430

Episode 5. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast we discuss the impact of social media on the political preferences of their users, the differences between the US and the European Twitter-users and if those differences can be exploited by the political campaigns to maximize the probability of winning. And finally, we discuss the role of owners of the social media on the modern political arena and what social media users should be conscious about when using their accounts.

Guest: dr Carlo Schwarz - Bocconi University

More details on the research discussed in this episode can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3719998

Episode 4. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast, we discuss the Citizen Science phenomenon and its application in social sciences. We also talk about the new research of prof. Piotr Lis (jointly with Bogna Gawrońska-Nowak and Baptiste Bedessem) in which Citizen Science was used to map out the boundaries of the urban areas of several Polish cities.

Guest: prof Piotr Lis - Coventry University

More details on the research discussed in this episode can be found here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350277682_Can_citizen_science_increase_trust_in_research_A_case_study_of_delineating_Polish_metropolitan_areas

Episode 3. In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast, we discuss the urbanization processes in Poland and try to answer the question of what kind of future awaits Polish cities: are they going to shrink or expand into suburban areas. We also try to understand the socio-economic consequences of those urbanization processes.

Guest: prof Bogna Gawrońska-Nowak - IRMiR

Episode 2. In this episode of the Policy Implications podcast, together with prof. Dimitrios Tsomocos from Oxford University we discuss the financial stability of European banking system and whether it is ready for the COVID-19 crisis.

Guest: prof Dimitrios Tsomocos - Oxford University

More details about the research discussed in the episode can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3639644

Episode 1. In the first episode of the Policy Implications Podcast, we discuss the new research of prof. Aneta Hryckiewicz (jointly with Natalia Kryg and Dimitri Tsomocos) on the bank resolution mechanisms and the best instruments available to policymakers to help banks in distress.

Guest: prof Aneta Hryckiewicz - Kozminski University

More details about the research discussed in the episode can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3639644