European Integration of Ukraine: Building Future and Reconstruction.

Searching for the Best Practices and Advocacy

The “New Dawn” initiative aims at bringing together Ukrainian, Polish, and European scientists, researchers, and social and political activists as part of series of meetings devoted to the challenges Ukraine will face after the end of the war caused by brutal Russian aggression. The main goals of the initiative include:

The "New Dawn" initiative is co-organized by Kozminski University, iSEE, New Europeans, and Media Dialogue.

Past Events

Presentation of the "Buy Ukrainian Products" campaign in the UK.

On December 8th, 2022, I have introduced the „Buy Ukrainian Products, Support the Economy of Ukraine” campaign in London, UK. Its main aim is to raise awareness about Ukrainian businesses that struggle to survive every day due to the Russian brutal attacks but nevertheless make socially responsible choices. They offer great help to people in their neighbourhoods where they can get warm food, drinking water, and the possibility to recharge their devices. They also pay taxes that in the end of the day are the money distributed to the most vulnerable, those who have lost their homes, their ability to work, their loved ones.

Every one of us, in Europe and beyond, can support those businesses by buying Ukrainian products. Not only you will help those in need and contribute to Ukraine’s resilience against the brutal Russian aggressions but you will also get unique and beautiful products created by the kind and strong people who fight for their freedom and values and the values of the free democratic world. If you share those values -  Buy Ukrainian products, support the economy of Ukraine!

Please look for 482 on the bar code of goods that means they are produced in Ukraine. Also, you may find many Ukrainian shops on Etsy and Instagram. More details coming soon

The campaign is a joint initiative of iSEE, New Europeans, and Media Dialogue.

Please support this initiative by sharing this message and the video with your networks.

The launch of the "Buy Ukrainian Products" campaign in Brussels.

On June 21, 2022, the New Dawn initiative has launched a "Buy Ukrainian Products, Support the Economy of Ukraine" campaign. The event has taken place in the Press Clud in Brussels. Its main aim is to raise awareness of the important to but made in Ukraine goods in support of the economy of Ukraine.

It is estimated by the World Bank that only in 2022 in Ukraine:

- GDP will fall by 35-45%,

- inflation will rise to 15%,

- share of the population living below the poverty line will increase from 1.8% to 19.8%.

The European Union, Great Britain, and Canada have removed all import duties on Ukrainian goods. This means that Ukrainian products can now be exported easier to those countries.

Ukraine's economy needs your help and you can support it by buying Ukrainian products. Let's help Ukrainian businesses continue working and paying salaries and taxes. Your contribution is important!

Round Table: Information frontlines of Russian-Ukrainian war.

Date: Tuesday June 07, 2022 at 15:00-16:30 PM CEST

Link to the recording:

Key-note speakers: 

During the fourth round table within this initiative, we discuss the information frontlines of the Russian-Ukrainian war. First of all, we talk about the Ukrainian regional media, their post-Soviet logic of functioning, and their resistance to Russian informational assaults. Second of all, we discuss the clash of strategic narratives as a part of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Finally, we try to understand how western media cover the only war on the European continent. 

Round Table: Institutional development of Ukraine in light of the EU integration.

Date: Wednesday May 11, 2022 at 12:00-13:30 PM CEST

Link to the recording:

Policy brief on institutional development of Ukraine in light of the EU integration: [link]

Key-note speakers: 

During the third round table within this initiative, we have discussed the institutional development of Ukraine in light of its integration with the European Union. First of all, we talked about the history of institutions in Ukraine and the property rights as an important indicator of well-functioning institutions. Second, we have discussed the decentralization reform and how local communities could organize their activities during the war due to it. Finally, we have made an outlook of the banking and financial system’s stability during and after the war and discussed its compliance with the EU standards. 

Round Table: Building resilient SMEs sector in Ukraine. Challenges and solutions.

Date: Thursday April 28, 2022 at 12:00-13:30 PM CEST

Link to the recording:

Policy brief on building resilient business sector in Ukraine: challenges and solutions: [link]

Key-note speakers: 

During the second round table within the "New Dawn" initiative, we discussed the resilience of Ukrainian enterprises in the face of war. A special attention was be given to the small and medium sized enterprises and the ways Ukraine can stimulate their functioning and possible growth during and after the war. Moreover, we discussed opportunities for different sectors of the economy, especially focusing on the IT and agricultural sectors.

The kick-off meeting of the "New Dawn" initiative

The kick off meeting of the “New Dawn” initiative has taken place on April 13, 2022 and has started a series of round tables on European integration of Ukraine and its future reconstruction. Among the key-note speakers were:

The speakers discussed the current costs of war in Ukraine, its economic and humanitarian consequences, the importance of professional war journalism, and appropriate wording of transmitted messages. Moreover, political scientists, sociologists, economists, business owners, and business consultants took part in the meeting and shared their valuable thoughts on the reconstruction of Ukraine and the way the “New Dawn” initiative can support Ukraine in its integration to the EU.

The recordings of the key-notes from the kick-off meeting can be found here: